Photograph of Victoria Bridge by Phillip Halling http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/546748
Will has received an update from Cllr Roger Symonds (B&NES Cabinet member for Transport) about Victoria Bridge.
As most resdients will know the Bridge has been found to be structurally unsound and needs repair work.
The latest moves to stabilise the bridge have included a new structural engineer who specialises in suspension bridges being brought in to review the work done so far. Unfortunately this review will take a couple of months, during which time no further action will be taken with the bridge. Any future works recommended will need the agreement of English Heritage.
Roger’s preference is still to have a Bailey Bridge pedestrian/cycle way as a temporary measure, but a decision will not be made until the bridge expert reports back, and would probably involve land not currently in the Council’s ownership.
For cyclists, there is hoped to be a diversion in place from October which will run from Sainsbury’s, over the reopended Victoria Bridge Road, and then over the Western Riverside to Midland Road. If a cycle contraflow can be put in place, this would allow a North / South cycle link over the Destructor Bridge. Unfortunately, this is not as helpful for pedestrians.
Your local Councillors understand the importance of Victoria Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists from both sides of the City and we continue to press for the bridge, or a short alternative route to be provided as soon as possible. Unfortunately at the moment, it looks like progress will be slow.