Moorland Road Gas Main Replacement
Cllr Will Sandry has expressed his anger that the gas main replacement work project on Moorland Road is failing the community before it has even started.
Will said: “I’ve been assured that Moorland Road is open to shoppers on foot (and mobility impaired) throughout the closure, but the Traders are saying to me that Morrisons (the contractor) are making ineffective plans to ensure deliveries can continue to take place to the shops.
I’ve seen a letter from Wales and West Utilities (WWU) to local residents which talks about limiting parking in surrounding streets so that traffic diversions can happen, but it doesn’t specify exactly where the restrictions will be or take in to account existing disabled bays in those streets.”
Whilst recognising that a safe gas supply and a safe working area for the contractors are also important to our community; Will and David are pressing Morrisons, WWU and Bath and North East Somerset Council to ensure that these problems are addressed before works commence on Monday, 25th July.
I personaly don’t see the issue with the roadworks. You’d all be complaining if you didn’t have gas to fire your boilers for hot water and heating, or to run your cookers on. The main and most important issue here is the traffic management. I think Second Avenue needs to have parking restrictions placed on areas of it as passing places, or it needs to have parking removed on one side for the duration of the works.