The B&NES planning committee will meet this afternoon to decide on the Council’s planning applications for the Bath Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route.
Local residents campaigning against the plans have been supported by Bath opposition Councillors representing the wards through which the BRT would run. The committee will meet at the Guildhall at 2 p.m. and dozens of residents are registered to speak.
It is clear that this is the wrong route for the rapid transit bus route, which will divide a community in two, by what has been described by residents as a “Berlin Wall”.
With the loss of the green space on which the BRT will be built, children will have no choice but to negotiate an extremely dangerous road to access the nearest park to play.
All this is being planned while there are perfectly acceptable alternative routes which the Council has still not considered properly. Nor has sufficient research been carried out into tackling the real causes of congestion such as the school run.
As a result local children will be deprived of valuable open space; local people will be subjected to the constant noise and inconvenience of an extra road with intrusive CCTV cameras and increased security concerns. The proposed BRT route must not go ahead.
The committee only have to review the number and wide range of the objections to accept that the BRT scheme as presented is ill thought out and is not weighed against researched alternatives.
There is no evidence to support the claim that this scheme will reduce congestion and pollution. In fact residents along the BRT route will be subjected to increased levels of vehicle noise and pollution and busses will still arrive at the bottle neck at Windsor Bridge and will not realise any ‘journey time saving’.
Residents east of Station Road will either be subject to compulsory purchase or as the report says ‘an unacceptable loss of privacy’.
The Planning Committee should be aware that the BRT is just another road and has no restrictions to access set out within the conditions. It will be a green light to joy-riders.