Theft of motorcycle from The Oval

Between 11.30pm on Tuesday February the 23rd and 7am the following morning, unknown person(s) have removed a motorcycle, which was later recovered near Haycombe Cemetery.

If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact the Police on 0845 456 7000. Alternatively you could contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Oldfield Park Growing Together

Quite often there has been bad press arising regarding the relationship between students and permanent residents in Oldfield Park. In order to help remedy this and improve the relationship between permanent residents and students in this area, the charity V Inspired, the Council, University of Bath and Bath Spa University’s Students’ Unions have created a project that aims to do just that.

The project, run by a core volunteer group of 4 students, seeks to match underutilised student household gardens with permanent residents who wish to grow their own food (responding to a local lack of allotments). The proposal is for a research project that will lead to a pilot scheme, designed and delivered by the volunteer group working in and with the community.

Currently being carried out is research into the market by distributing questionnaires, and semi structured interviews to determine the likely supply of gardens and also estimated demand for growing space in the community. The group are also attending local community meetings and collaborating with similar schemes that already exist such as the Bath Area Garden Share (part of Transition Bath) and Bath Organic Group, and taking inspiration from existing garden share schemes such as the one in Totnes, Devon.

The aim of this part of the project is to find out if it is feasible within the Oldfield Park area. If it is found to be feasible, by the middle of April it is hoped that two gardens will be being piloted with members of the local community using student gardens to plant their vegetables in, just in time for the recommended planting season!

If you feel your garden has a good space that someone could grow their veggies in please contact us!! If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information please email:

Tories abandon environment as a priority

This week the Tories published a list of ‘Ten reasons to vote Conservative’ which did not include any reference to the environment or climate change.

This is despite David Cameron’s claim that he has ‘sought to push the environment up to the top of the political agenda’, and his own Shadow Climate Change Secretary Greg Clark’s assertion that Cameron ‘wanted the environment to be a very important part of the proposition we put to the public at the General Election.’

It follows the recent revelation that reducing Britain’s carbon footprint was at the bottom of Tory PPCs’ priorities.

Commenting, Liberal Democrat Shadow Climate Change Secretary, Simon Hughes said:

For those of us who really care about the environment and the future of our planet the Tories have demonstrated once again that there is no reason to vote for them. Cameron the PR man likes having his picture taken with huskies, but when it comes to governing this country the Tories have never made the climate one of their priorities.

Various local incidents reported by the Police

The following incidents have occurred in our area recently:

Between 2am and 4.15pm on Saturday February the 13th, unknown person(s) have gained entry to a residence on Third Avenue and have removed property. Access was gained through an insecure rear ground-floor window.

At some point between Wednesday February the 10th and 9am on Monday February the 15th, unknown person(s) have caused damage to a garage door in an attempt to gain entry. This occurred on Winchester Road.

A vehicle parked in The Oval was damaged between 9.30pm on Wednesday February the 17th and noon the following day. The offender(s) have used a screw to puncture a rear tyre.

And between 8pm on Friday February the 12th and 1.30pm the following day, person(s) unknown have caused damage to the bodywork of a vehicle parked on Monksdale Road by walking over the roof.

If you have any information regarding these incidents, please contact the Police on 0845 456 7000. Alternatively you could contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Proposed New Street Trading Pitch on Moorland Road

The Bus Station Florists have applied to the Council for a licence to run a stall on Moorland Road, outside the Nat West Bank, to sell fresh flowers. The stall could be open if permission is granted from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday each week.

This is a street trading consent application (Ref: 10/00951/STTRAD) under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982. This application is for a permanent pitch which may be renewed on a quarterly basis. We as your local Councillors have until the 10th March 2010 to comment. Please let us know your views as soon as possible.

B&NES Budget: Lib Dem comments

B&NES Council met tonight to discuss the budget for 2010/11. Liberal Democrat Councillors did not support the Council budget proposed by B&NES’ Conservative Cabinet. Leader of the Lib Dems Councillor Paul Crossley (Southdown) said:

The Liberal Democrats will not be supporting this budget. The budget process put in place by the Cabinet keeps Councillors out of the loop, ignores input from O&S and permits Cabinet members to drip feed information rather than being transparent and democratic. We are deeply concerned about the bottom-up approach to job cuts that the administration is taking and about the ‘extra’ funding announcements, which are merely surface dressing to distract from cuts.

Councillor David Dixon (Walcot) led for the Lib Dems on the budget paper, saying:

The Liberal Democrats see this as a budget which has asked services to make considerable cuts, cuts to frontline services while protecting our senior officers. It is a budget that offers very little new money for services, but only serves to move money about.

Read the rest of this entry. Read the rest of this entry.

Liberal Democrats launch plans to revitalise Britain’s high streets

Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg has set out plans to revitalise Britain’s high streets, such as Moorland Road, ensure the future of the Post Office, and help small businesses establish and grow in a fairer marketplace.

Our national policy document entitled, “Vibrant Local High Streets“, includes proposals to:

* Encourage the development of a PostBank and free the Post Office from the Royal Mail to enable it to develop new business

* Introduce a local competition test for all planning applications for new retail developments to establish a fairer balance between local independent stores and large supermarkets

* Establish a system of Local Enterprise Funds and regional stock exchanges to ensure small businesses get access to cost effective equity that meets their needs
Read the rest of this entry. Read the rest of this entry.

Temp closure of Moorland Road (near the Triangle)

The Council has advised of the temporary closure to vehicles that length of Moorland Road which extends from its junction with Triangle East to its junction with Triangle North.

This notice is required because works are being proposed from the 16th February for a maximum period of five days. However, the restriction may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be closed as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for FOUR DAYS.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTE – Moorland Road (unaffected part), Herbert Road, Cynthia Road, West Avenue, Triangle North.

Herbert Road – Proposed small changes to parking on the street

The Council has announced a proposal to make a small change to the parking on Herbert Road. The Council has issued a Traffic Regulation Order (Bath TRO A, T111) to convert two exisiting Blue Badge Bays outside No. 68 Herbert Road from advisory to enforceable. And to remove the advisory bay totally from outside No.67 Herbert Road.

We have until the 10th March 2010 to respond to this consultation with local Councillors. Therefore if you have any views for or against this proposal, please let us know by the end of February 2010.