‘Exciting steps’ for Bath City Centre unveiled

The Council is encouraging local people to give their views on wide ranging plans to improve the urban environment in Bath City Centre. The plans include creating a more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly environment in a number of city streets by:

· Creating a more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly City Centre, by introducing vehicle access changes on a number of streets;

· Expanding pedestrian areas on High Street, which can currently be over-crowded and hard to navigate at busy times;

· Developing improved pedestrian crossing areas on High Street and improving existing bus stops.

Local residents aspire for creating a City Centre environment where pedestrians and cyclists have priority, and where public transport is free to move on Bath’s historic streets.

We hope that these plans to improve transport offers the opportunity to help deliver this by using access restrictions at key times on some of the City Centre’s busiest streets and making the High Street even more pedestrian friendly. The proposals represent the popential first steps towards a friendlier environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

One of the key proposals being made is to restrict access between 10am and 6pm to vehicles on Upper Borough Walls, Parsonage Lane, Westgate Street, Cheap Street, Bath Street, Hot Bath Street, York Street, Abbey Green, Abbeygate Street, Swallow Street, Stall Street, Beau Street, and Lower Borough Walls.

The consultation document can be found by going to www.bathnes.gov.uk and under the ‘Of Interest’ section clicking on ‘City Centre Proposals – have your say’.

The consultation period will run until Monday, 14 September. Information will also be displayed at the Bath Central Library, on the first floor of The Podium shopping centre, from 2 – 9 September. The improvements are envisaged to take place in 2011.

Please make sure you have your say on these proposals.

Concerns grow for missing woman – Sightings of 79 year old in Lansdown Lane area of city

Local Police are still searching for Mary Mumford who lives in the city. She disappeared on Sunday, August 16. The latest appeals have sightings of a woman matching her description at 8am on Monday 17th August in the area of Lansdown Lane of Bath. This is near the car boot sale area and where many people go dog walking.

Police are appealing for people who are in the area to look out for her and call the Police immediately on 0845 4567000 if they have any information.

New Super Off-Peak ticket will only add confusion

With First Great Western (FGW) set to introduce a new ‘Super Off-Peak’ ticket early in September, Bath MP has criticised the move saying it will only add to confusion for passengers.

Currently FGW have an Off-Peak and Peak ticket. The new Super Off-Peak ticket will be at the same price as the current Off-Peak ticket, with Off-Peak prices rising by 20%. Super Off-Peak travel will force people to leave Bath later in the morning, and also deny a return from London between 3pm and 7pm. Don said,

Travelling from Bath to London on the train already involves one of the most expensive journeys per mile in the world. Adding extra restrictions on cheaper leisure travel is hardly going to encourage more families to use the railways. Moving to three types of fare only add confusion, and many people won’t even know what ticket to buy.

Don added, “If you use an electronic ticket machine, it doesn’t provide any information on journey restrictions. I have grave worries about people being caught out.” Don Foster has written to First group outlining my concerns, but his advice to passengers is, where possible, try and book your train tickets in advance of travel.

The move comes only months after a train company advertisement campaign on fare simplification, with advertisement posters proudly displaying “off-peak”, “anytime” and “advance” tickets.

Please let Shaun and Will know your views on this move my First Great Weston my emailing us.

Labour Ministers’ £1.4m ‘Golden Goodbyes’

Labour ministers who have been fired or left their jobs have enjoyed £1.4m in severance pay, figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats have revealed.

When MPs are appointed as ministers they get an extra salary and pension in addition to that earned as an MP. When they are fired in reshuffle, forced to leave under a cloud or resign, ministers get a severance payment equivalent to one quarter of their final salary, provided they do not take another ministerial appointment within three months.

Nearly 100 ex-ministers have benefited from the handouts. High profile beneficiaries include Peter Mandelson (twice), Charles Clarke, Alan Milburn, David Blunkett, Peter Hain, Margaret Beckett, Estelle Morris (twice), Lord Sainsbury, and the recently resigned James Purnell, Hazel Blears and Caroline Flint.

Commenting, Liberal Democrat Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, Steve Webb said:

People will be shocked to learn that former ministers get these pay-offs even when they have been sacked or left of their own free will. Ministers should not be rewarded for failure. While thousands are losing their jobs, failed ministers get a huge payout on top of their salary as MPs. This can’t go on.

New waiting restrictions for Durley Park and Oldfield Lane

As part of the highways improvements for the new RC Primary School on Oldfield Lane, the Council has issued the following notice of waiting restrictions for Durly Park and Oldfield Lane.

NOTICE is hereby given that Bath and North East Somerset Council proposes to make an order under provisions contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended, the effect of which will prohibit waiting in certain lengths of Durley Park and Oldfield Lane, Bath.

Full details of the proposal are contained in the draft order, which together with a map and a Statement of the Council’s Reasons for proposing to make the order may be inspected at Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath and at our offices below during normal office hours.

Objections and representations with respect to the proposal, together with the grounds on which they are made must be sent in writing to the Traffic and Safety Team quoting the title of the scheme: (Durley Park And Oldfield Lane, Bath) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 200-; and the reference PEV/5618/NW at the address below by 3rd September 2009.

For any queries concerning this proposal please telephone 01225 394139. Please note that all representations received may be considered in public by the Council and that the substance of any representation together with the name and address of the person making it, could become available for public inspection.

We strongly ensure local residents who have strong views on this proposals to respond to the offical notice and forward their views on to the Council. It would be very helpful if you could copy your comments to us my email.

Burglaries on Beckhampton Rd and Crandale Rd

There have been two burglaries in own area recently.  Between 8.30am and 10pm on Sunday August the 9th, unknown offender(s) have gained entry to a residence on Beckhampton Road and removed items. The culprits have climbed a rear porch to access an open first floor window.

At approximately 11.30pm on Saturday August the 8th, a resident of a property on Crandale Road disturbed an offender. The culprit has forced a ground floor window which had been left partly open. Once inside, property was removed before being disturbed and ran off down the road and into Triangle North.

The Police want to remind residents to ensure that all unattended doors and windows are kept locked at all times. Burglars are very resourceful, so don’t make things easier for them!

If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact the Police on 0845 456 7000. Alternatively you could contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

All not lost in quest to stop proposed-BRT

Bath MP Don Foster has vowed to continue to fight the controversial proposed-BRT route, after it passed through B&NES Council’s Development Control Committee at the third attempt.

The BRT is now subject to an Article 14 declaration, which means that Secretary of State John Denham will decide whether or not to call for a public inquiry into the scheme. Don said,

In many ways last week saw a sad day for local democracy, the Conservative Cabinet have just forced this scheme back to the planning committee until they got the result they wanted.

Local people must be understandably worried as to how this decision has been reached, especially after public letters from the Department for Transport and Government Office of the South West. However, it is still possible that we can overturn this decision, as John Denham will have to cast his eye over the proposals first.

Cllr Gerry Curran (Lib Dem, Twerton), the Liberal Democrat lead on Development Control, commented, “I will continue to oppose this unwanted scheme.

At each planning meeting to discuss the BRT, the Council has had to back down over a number of claims. They will now readily admit that it will do nothing to reduce congestion or pollution. It is just a waste of tax payers’ money, to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.

Local Lib Dems will be adding their voice to those calling for a public inquiry into this proposal, and will be writing to John Denham shortly.

What we really need is work to improve the Lower Bristol Road, such as the widening that has been promised for years. This would actually help to reduce congestion in Bath.

Don backs Live Music Bill

Bath MP Don Foster is backing the Live Music Bill put forward by Lib Dem Peer Lord Clement-Jones. Don has also signed a petition on the number 10 website, calling on the government to change laws which came into place as part of the 2003 Licensing Act.

The Live Music Bill aims to revive live music by:

• Creating an exemption from licences for the performance of any live music in a pub or similar venue

• Reintroducing the rule allowing up to two performers to play live music anywhere without the need for a licence

• Enabling hospitals, schools and colleges to perform live music without the need for licences

Don said, “When the licensing laws were changed in 2003 we were promised an explosion of live music, but in reality many small scale events have been stifled by bureaucracy.

This Bill will not only make it easier for local musicians to get a gig, but it will help small venues who cannot cope with the cost of applying for a license.

It is time that common sense prevailed, and small venues, hospitals and schools were allowed to host live music without having to cope with an expensive, bureaucratic nightmare.

Motorbike stolen from King Edward Road

Between 6pm on Saturday August the 15th and 10am the following morning, unknown person(s) have removed a motor vehicle. The motorbike in question is a silver Piaggio Diesis 100 with the registration number WU02YVS.

If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact the Police on 0845 456 7000. Alternatively you could contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

It is important that you ask for the call to be tagged ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ and quote Ringmaster message Bath 3389.

Visit the Force website on www.avonandsomerset.police.uk where you can also sign up to receive local news and alerts, Crimestoppers appeals and job details, direct to your inbox – on http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/Interactive/

If you have information about any crime, phone the police on 0845 456 7000 or you can call anonymously to the independent charity CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111. For general information about Neighbourhood Watch nationally see the www.mynhw.co.uk website.