B&NES ‘Opts-In’ to Sustainable Communities Act

Liberal Democrat Councillors have welcomed the adoption of their motion on the Sustainable Communities Act.  By adopting the motion B&NES Council has resolved to “use, to the full, its powers under the Act by preparing and submitting proposals to central government”. 

The Act became law in 2007 and gives Councils the opportunity to make proposals to make proposals to Government to encourage the improvement of the economic, social or environmental wellbeing of the local area. 

This Act empowers local communities to raise issues and get their voices heard.  It works on the principle that local people know best what is needed for their area. 

The Act can be used to address issues such as over-concentration of second homes or student houses, ‘clone cities’ and protection of post offices and local shopping areas. 

Now the Council needs to decide how it will advise and help communities develop proposals to be submitted to local government and how it will evaluate these proposals. 

This is a great opportunity for Councils to reverse the trend of removing services from local communities.  Under this act the Council should be able to make devolution and decentralisation into reality.

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