Covered seating for the Sandpits?

It’s great that the new play equipment is being installed this month, but there is now the opportunity for some new covered seating to be provided too!

We’ve done some initial consultation (with some park users and local residents) and there is a generally positive response, but a few people have raised concerns about any potential misuse of the community seating area. As a result Will and Shaun have got the local Police on the case along with Sam, the Council’s Outreach Youth Worker and the Parks Department.

So far we have spoken with over 40 adults and young people but we’re adding some consultation to the start of the Oldfield / Moorfields PACT public meeting this coming Wednesday. We don’t know exactly what the seating area will look like yet or where it will be, but it could look like any of these:


The doors open at 6pm to get your views about where seating could be put and what it could look like. The main PACT Meeting starts at 6:30 on Wednesday 10th March at Moorland s Infants. This is not part of the consultation, but to find out more about the regular PACT public meeting click here.

If you can’t make the meeting, please let us know your views (good or bad) about what the seating could look like and where it could be. Please email:

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