The Progress Report (January 2010) from the Sevenside Community Rail Partnership reports that average passenger numbers on weekdays have risen from 841 in 2007 to 974 in 2009.
The Partnership was formed in the summer 2004 to identify and implement measures to encourage the use of local train routes in our area. The Partnership covers the area bounded by Gloucester, Bath / Freshford, W-M-S, Taunton and the Severn Estuary.
Our Council finally supports the partnership along with other local Councils, FGW, Business West and English Partnerships. This last year as seen the Government’s announcement of the planned electrification of the London – Bristol route by 2017, which should bring benefits to Oldfield Park station.
Last year artwork prepared by Oldfield Park Infant School was installed at Oldfield Park Station. Thanks to the hard work of June Player and the ‘On-board’ – the Oldfield Park station group – further landscaping was carried out. ‘On-board’ are always looking out for further members, so please to contact us to find out more details.