Today, all councillors received this letter from the most Senior Police Officer in Bath & North East Somerset:
Crime Reduction (-11.4%)
Detection (36.7%)
Customer Satisfaction (86%)Firstly can I wish everyone a very happy and enjoyable New Year. The Christmas/New year was a busy period for us but I am pleased to tell you that in overall terms reported crime in December was 11% down on last year. It was particularly good to see 30% less houses were broken into during December compared to last December.
It made me reflect on how at the beginning of the previous decade the focus for policing was reducing crime against property. People were having their houses broken into, their cars stolen or broken into and our efforts were very focused on stopping determined criminals stealing other people’s property. In the last few years we have seen considerable success and dramatic reductions in acquisitive crime and levels are now as low as many can remember.
On the other hand it is becoming increasingly apparent that it is necessary for us to put greater emphasis on how people treat each other and I suggest that this will be the challenge of the next decade. Concern is increasing as to the impact a small minority of people have on other lives.
At one end of the spectrum is anti social behaviour which is annoying, irritating and a cause of anxiety for so many people. The use of violence to resolve a situation is increasingly common, often this occurs where people know each other and is increasingly difficult to control whether it be domestic violence, still well hidden from most of us, or violence in our towns and city on a Friday / Saturday night. Vulnerable adults, the elderly and young children all require protection and greater emphasis is now needed on how we deal with those people who remain in our community but pose a risk to those they live with or near.
For those subjected to these crimes the impact is certainly significant, if not life changing, but there is also a wider impact which reduces the confidence of others to go about their daily lives feeing safe and being safe.
We are committed to making a real difference in protecting people and supporting them to lead their lives peacefully and without interference from others. It is equally as important to ensure that people in the wider community are reassured, feel safe and confident to lead their lives in a happy and as fulfilling a way as they can.
We will continue to build on the excellent work that was carried out in 2009 and will place more emphasis on preventing those crimes that have the most affect on people’s lives.
I will continue, with determination, my campaign on setting new standards of behaviour especially by those who use our towns and city centre. It is important that people realise that a certain level of behaviour is expected of them and they will be challenged if they do not meet it. This is about respect and thoughtfulness for others and indiscretions will not be tolerated.
You will see advertised or on our website dates of local Partnership and Community Together meetings (PACT) please feel free to attend your local meeting and air any thoughts you have on your priorities in respect of being safe and feeling safe in your community.
Kind regards.
Yours sincerely
Gary Davies
Chief Superintendent
B&NES District Commander.