Nick Clegg sets out his vision for a people’s health service

Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg today outlined his vision for the NHS, setting out plans to give communities genuine control over local health services, freed from Whitehall, and providing for older people with personal care needs. The proposals update Liberal Democrat policy on personal care for the elderly based on the projections of the 2006 Wanless report on the future needs for social care in England. The Policy Paper, which will go to the Party’s Spring Conference in March, details:

Introducing a ‘Care Guarantee’ by spending £2 billion on a personal care payment for all elderly people requiring care, based on need and not their ability to pay. It would also set out carers’ rights including the right to complain about unsatisfactory care.

A ‘Patient Contract’ guaranteeing every citizen access to a high standard of core healthcare entitlements within maximum waiting times. To make sure that the NHS delivers, patients would have the right to receive private treatment, paid for by the NHS, if the waiting time was not met.

Directly elected local Health Boards instead of unaccountable Primary Care Trusts. This would put people in charge of decisions about their local health services.

Roll out the use of direct payments and individual budgets for people with chronic, long term conditions, for mental health services and support for those with learning disabilities.

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