Lib Dems say “No Way to 21k”

Liberal Democrat Councillors in Bath are opposing the Government’s proposed requirement that over 21,000 homes should be built in the district by 2026. The Council needs to make a very robust response to the Government, explicitly calling for the original numbers to be reinstated.

Liberal Democrats are saying “No Way” to the new target of over 21,000; these requirements are based on hopelessly exaggerated economic and jobs predictions.

We have always said that there should be no building on green belt land except as an absolute last resort when all possible brownfield sites have been developed.  The proposed rate of construction is also hopelessly optimistic – three times the current rate! We recognised that the original number of 15,500 would deliver much needed housing so that so that our children and grandchildren have a chance to live in the area and not be forced out.  But with an increase of almost 40% in the new requirement the Conservatives are allowing green belt to be built on which will see villages disappear and Keynsham to be subsumed into Bristol.

We are also backing local MP Don Foster’s campaign that student housing should count towards the housing requirement.  In Oldfield Park and across other parts of Bath a lot of potential family homes are unavailable due to multiple student lets, but purpose-built student accommodation – which would free up some of these homes – doesn’t count towards the housing numbers.

This is crazy and we will be responding to the Government consultation to point this out.

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