Following the summer’s car parking rises in Bath, including a 50% rise on evening charges, charges could be rising again in the near future as the Council is set to announce its three year strategy.
Liberal Democrats have discovered that rises (set to come in from 6th September) announced this summer were merely a stop gap and a short-term measure. New plans will be brought to Overview & Scrutiny later this year.
Bath MP Don Foster has twice campaigned to prevent rises in evening car parking charges and has written to Council Chief Executive John Everitt outlining his opposition to any further rises.
Don said,
“Just as prices go up in September it looks like the Council are planning to announce even more hikes.
“While public transport is available in the day, it is lacking in the evening and many people have to drive to get into the city. Raising evening car parking charges again will have a negative effect on our evening economy, as businesses suffer.
“We must also think of clubs and societies, such as some of our fabulous choirs. Members will be put off coming into town every week because they will be spending so much more over the year.”
Kingsmead ward Councillor Andy Furse (Lib Dem) also agrees enough is enough. He said,
“The Conservatives had to back down last year over their evening parking plans, but now they are trying to force them up bit by bit, presumably hoping no-one will notice.
“A recession is not the time to be using car parking as a Council cash cow.
“Increases in parking charges will just make people think twice about coming to Bath in the evening. Our restaurants, cinemas and even the Theatre Royal could suffer by increasing evening parking charges.”