Speed limits of 20mph are set to be piloted in Bristol by the Liberal Democrat run city council.
Two areas of the city – Ashley/Easton/Lawrence Hill/Eastville/St George West and Southville/Bedminster/Windmill Hill – are being proposed for trials. Major roads running through these areas, such as the M32 and Stapleton Road, in Easton, and North Street, in Southville, would be exempt. The 20mph limits will not involve the introduction of any physical traffic-calming measures, such as speed humps or chicanes. Executive member for transport and sustainability Cllr Jon Rogers said:
The primary aim is to make walking and cycling in these communities safer and more attractive to more people.
Reducing the speed limit to 20mph should also help to reduce the number of road accidents. We will be monitoring the success of the two pilot areas and listening to comments before we look at whether they could be extended to other parts of the city. We are not expecting the schemes to cause any significant delays to drivers.
The Council is seeking the public’s comments before September 30.
Please let Will and Shaun know which roads in Oldfield Park you think should have their speed limit reduced…