Awards for local volunteer awards – nominate someone

The Council has been working with the Volunteer Centre on a Community Award to recognise the contribution volunteers make within Bath and North East Somerset. The Chairman of the Council announced the Awards during the National Volunteering Week in June and now we are inviting nominations.

There are six categories, with a particular theme linked to the Chairman’s theme for his year in office: “Grow Your Own Food and Know Your Local Heritage”, although nominations are encouraged from all different areas of work. The categories are as follows:

1. Volunteer of the Year
2. Volunteer Leader of the Year
3. Student Volunteer of the Year (Over 18)
4. Young Volunteer of the Year (Under 18)
5. Volunteer Team of the Year
6. Environmental Volunteer of the Year

Everyone nominated for an Award will be presented with a Certificate as a recognition of their contribution to community work. The winners of each category will receive a Certificate and Award presented by the Chairman of the Council at an Awards Ceremony in December 2009. Nomination forms must be returned by no later than 12 noon on Friday 30th October 2009.

Cllr McGall has full details of the Awards (Five pages of A4), so if you would like more details on how to nominate someone locally, please contact shaun on:

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