Tomorrow the Council will decide whether to go ahead with a public consultation about introducing a policy to stop any further increases in the number of Homes in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in areas of Bath where there is already a concentration of more than 25%. Click this link for the full set of Council papers (Agenda Item 15 – better quality map).
Cllr Will Sandry commented: “I very much hope this consultation goes ahead and that many members of the community have their say. The majority of long term residents believe that a restriction is right, and in fact overdue. I do however recognise the concern of some members of our community who live in HMOs that the restriction may not benefit them.
It is important that those with concerns note that the proposed policy would not remove any existing HMOs even in areas with existing concentrations above 25%. The Policy would just mean that no new HMOs could be created in those areas highlighted red on the map.”
Future reductions in Bath’s community housing pressures will come from:
- 2000 homes at the Western Riverside (under construction)
- 600 Study bedrooms at Bath Spa University’s Newton Park Campus (planning permission granted)
- 700 Study bedrooms at Bath University (application submitted)
- The former MoD sites (in consultation)
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