The University of Bath has announced plans to build more accommodation and academic space at its Claverton Down campus. The plans include an additional 700 study bedrooms.
Cllr Will Sandry said: “I understand that the University needs to improve its academic space to remain a world class institution and I believe it to be in the City’s best interest that the University continues to succeed.
The proposed 700 study bedrooms on campus are helpful, but I would like to see more. The University has placed a huge strain on housing availability in the City over the last decade; it cannot continue consuming family housing in the City.
Irrespective of these plans, the University has a responsibility to our community to plan future increases in student numbers in a way that both the University and the City can accommodate.”
I think Will has made a very fair point, the situation as it is is making familly/working life very tricky in some areas. The university has financially benefited from the increasing number of students, and have been made aware of the frictions, and problems. It is time they did more to solve the issues caused by this.