On Friday of last week, the Council released its ‘decision paper’ outlining the future of the 20A/20C service.
As Don Foster announced a couple of weeks ago, Wessex Connect made an offer to take on this route and that has been accepted by the B&NES.
However, there will be no services after 7.30pm and fares are set to rise by 10% on this service. The Conservative Council will be reviewing the money they are spending on this service in September – which means that the service is not guaranteed past the autumn.
One issue that remains unresolved is that of ‘multi-operator’ tickets, and the refunding of travelcards. B&NES say they are working towards resolving these issues, and I hope they are making it a priority so that come 11th May bus users do not lose out financially.
This is especially important in light of the school run. We need to make sure that parents can afford to send their children to school on the bus, and if they have to buy two different tickets then that will certainly not be the case. A cursory glance at the lack of traffic on the roads this morning shows what a difference the school run makes to congestion in the city!
Remember, the on-line petition is still running. Why not forward this e-mail to your family and friends and suggest they click on http://ourcampaign.org.uk/onthebuses