To Let signs – Open Letter to Bath Property Agents

It is rare for an issue to unite a community, but the excessive number of “To Let” signs some property agents put up at at this time of year does so.

The community in and around Oldfield Park does not like them. This is because:

•    The signs clutter the streetscape;
•    They remind longer term residents of the rapid change of tenure in recent years;
•    They advertise that there are multiple high value portable electrical items in the property.

The properties are mainly (and sometimes exclusively) marketed to students in our community.  Students and property agents alike have the internet available for finding and advertising property, and additionally have access to the Accommodation Service at both universities.

As you will be aware, the Council can take action to prevent all advertising in the area. If introduced, this would apply to all advertising boards all year around. It would not distinguish between “To Let”, “For Sale”, or any other type of advertising.

The community pay Council Tax; your businesses pay business rates. If the Council implements a formal policy to restrict the use of advertising boards, the cost will be met you, me and all other local tax payers.

I note with gratitude the restraint shown by some Agents this year, but unfortunately not all Agents have shown the same respect to the community.

I say to all property agents advertising in Oldfield Park at the moment: Please do our community a service and take your “To Let” signs away now.

Yours faithfully

Cllr Will Sandry
Member for Oldfield Ward  – Bath and North East Somerset Council

B&NES Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning;
B&NES Divisional Director of Planning & Transport Development

One thought on “To Let signs – Open Letter to Bath Property Agents

  1. Terry Organ says:

    I would like to think that you will be pushing for a formal restriction on the use of advertising boards. There is one main culprit, and he obviously thinks that he can wave two fingers at you and also the residents. I hope it will not be long before restrictions are in force.

    Terry Organ.

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