The Council is proposing deleting approximately 30 mters of unrecorded footpath that runs south-west between No.1 Moorfields Drive, No.5 Moorfields Close and the rear of The Moorlands, off Englishcombe Lane.
The request came from Somer Community Housing Trust. The extinguishement proposal is being made on grounds stated in section 118 of the Highways Act 1980 – i.e. that it is no longer needed for public use. The section of land in question is the verge to a hard surfaced path. Both the hard surfaced path and the verge lead to private property and do not provide a through route to another public highway. The hard surfaced path is not affected by the proposed extinguishment and will remain cul-de-sac if the proposed extinguishment takes place.
Any objections or representations to this Order (Bath and North East Somerset Council (Unrecorded Public Footpath AQ496 (Part), Moorfields Drive, Oldfield Ward, Bath) Public Path Extinguishment Order 2008) must be recieved in writing no later than 14th August 2008 to:
Jenny King,
Bath Definative Map Project Officer, Public Rights of Way,
Floor 2 South, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham, Somerset. BS31 1LA
Any statement submitted must be accompanied by a statement of grounds on which it is made and must qute the title of the Order to which the objection is being made.
For more information, please contact Jenny King on (01225) 394940 or