Phone Mast Installed at The Oval

Last week the much opposed phone mast was installed at The Oval.

The planning application had originally been refused by the Council on visual impact and highway safety grounds, but Inspector who overturned the Council’s decision said:

“I consider the proposed slimline pole to be a relatively simple and uncluttered structure particularly as the antennae would be shrouded. It would be only marginally more visually intrusive within the street scene than the street lamps and would not result in an unduly significant increase in clutter in the area. It would be higher than the nearby street lamps and telephone poles, but would generally be seen against the background of the trees on the bank and the pollarded trees planted along the verge…

…For the reasons given above, I conclude that the proposal would not result in an unacceptable, visually obtrusive feature in this location.

Do you think the planning inspector was right?

One thought on “Phone Mast Installed at The Oval

  1. Joe Scofield says:

    I saw it when I went jogging up there the other week.

    Why do these masts have to be black? Why not silver or grey? The dark colour increases the level of visual intrusion.

    I don’t agree with the planning inspector that the mast is only marginally more visually intrusive than the street lamps. Like the one at Poolemead Road, it is an obvious blot on the landscape.

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