The Council has a programme of improving the lighting in the area, and on the 6th April work will start on the installation of the supply and equipment for a new lighting scheme for Junction Road and Oldfield Road.
Both Cllr Sandry and McGall have copies of the detailed plans for the changes in the positions of the various street lights along these two roads.
If you what to find out more information, please contact us.
The resaons for the Council choosing these roads to improve are that the illumination is below the standard for amount of traffic it carries. Also the existing columns are showing signs of decay and must be replaced. The opportunity will therefore be taken both to improve the lighting levels and also the electricity services arrangements in order to secure a more reliable supply.
The scheme has been designed to the latest European Code for lighting and will make use of ‘white light’ source lanterns. This type of light enables colours to be rendered visible at night and also makes facial recognition much easier than under the existing older ‘low pressure’ lanterns which produce a yellow light. Both these factors contribute to a great er sense of well-being at night particularly when out walking. The production of waste light above the horizontal is also virtually eliminated with all the light output being directed down onto the carriageway and footpaths. The new lanterns are also considerably smaller and less obtrustive in daylight than those existing.
Where possible the proposed columns will be site in the same locations as those existing or adjacent to them and they will be similarly 8m in height. However, any opportunity will be taken to improve the spacing and positioning and hence some columns may change. The new columns will also be of the post – top mounting type which means that horizontal bracket arms will be dispensed with, further minimising the daytime appearance.