Morrisons and WWU fail our community

Moorland Road Gas Main Replacement

Cllr Will Sandry has expressed his anger that the gas main replacement work project on Moorland Road is failing the community before it has even started.

Will said: “I’ve been assured that Moorland Road is open to shoppers on foot (and mobility impaired) throughout the closure, but the Traders are saying to me that Morrisons (the contractor) are making ineffective plans to ensure deliveries can continue to take place to the shops.

I’ve seen a letter from Wales and West Utilities (WWU) to local residents which talks about limiting parking in surrounding streets so that traffic diversions can happen, but it doesn’t specify exactly where the restrictions will be or take in to account existing disabled bays in those streets.”

Whilst recognising that a safe gas supply and a safe working area for the contractors are also important to our community; Will and David are pressing Morrisons, WWU and Bath and North East Somerset Council to ensure that these problems are addressed before works commence on Monday, 25th July.

Moorland Road to close for gas main replacement

Map of closures from WWU

Click for larger image

This is advance notification that there will be a phased closure of parts of Moorland Road until November 2011. This is so that Wales and West Utilities (WWU) can complete a £120,000 project to replace a gas main.

The map (provided by WWU) shows the phases of the closures, but your Councillors have expressed their concern:

Cllr Will Sandry said: “WWU have been in touch with the Moorland Road Traders, but when I spoke with them, the Traders either hadn’t heard about the closure or thought the closure would just be for one day.

I’m very worried about the effect on the independent businesses.  Moorland Road is the heart of the south of Bath and in a recession, the message must go out that it’s business as usual on Moorland Road.”

Cllr David Dixon added: “When I was Councillor for Walcot Ward, I dealt with endless complaints about WWU’s works on the A4 London Road last year. That was a project which over ran and I personally had difficulties getting any positive response from the company.”

Will and David are speaking with WWU with the expectation that they will:

  • keep local residents informed of their plans, and progress;
  • enable full access to the shops for pedestrians and wheelchair users;
  • make sure that traffic diversions are appropriate;
  • ensure that deliveries can take place to all the shops.

Dog Owners and the Linear Park

Will sticking on the labels

Will Sandry fixing the signs

Cllr Will Sandry has had a few complaints about some dog owners being irresponsible with their dog’s waste along the Linear Park.

Will said: “Dog mess is very anti social, but since the new litter bins have been installed in the park I wasn’t sure that all the community know that the bins can be used for both general litter and dog waste.

I’ve been in touch with the Council’s Dog Warden who provided me with signs for the bins. I put the signs on yesterday, and it’s now clear that the bins are for multipurpose use.

Hopefully, this will encourage dog owners to be more responsible and mean that they can avoid a £50 on the spot fine for dog fouling and the possibility of prosecution”.

The Council’s Dog Warden Service operates five days a week with some weekend patrols.

Early morning and late evening patrols are undertaken when there has been a specific complaint in an area.

You can read more about the Council’s Dog Warden Service by clicking here.

Sand Pits get a lick of paint

Last Thursday, staff volunteers from Bath and North East Somerset Council, and local students through the Student Community Partnership came together to give the older play equipment in the Sand Pits a much needed coat of paint.

Will and David at the Sand Pits

The old play equipment had been looking a bit drab since last summer when new equipment was installed beside it. Cllr David Dixon said: “Play areas are vitally important to our communities in Bath and North East Somerset. The Sand Pits will never compete with the size of the Victoria Park play area, but I want the Sand Pits to be the most loved play area in Bath.”

David wants the Sandpits to be the most loved play area in Bath

Cllr Will Sandry said: ” I was delighted that Council Staff and the Student Community Partnership came together to arrange this painting session. It was great that passing members of the community pitched in and lent a hand on the day.”

Students moving out

Moving out leaflet 2011

Moving out leaflet 2011

The Student Community Partnership has launched its summer 2011 campaign to advise students in our community about  managing their waste before they leave for the summer.

Leaflets are being delivered door to door and information is also available on line. This is a great initiative because it helps students get their deposits back and means that there is a lower likelihood of gardens being left full of rubbish after students have moved out.

Follow this link to the Student Community Partnership Moving out information.

Hide your bike!

We have received two Police reports of pedal cycles being reported stolen from the front gardens of properties in Oldfield Ward in the past month. The bikes were locked and chained, none the less they were still taken.

Please try to keep your bike out of sight in your house or in a shed. Make sure you follow the advice from Avon and Somerset Police for storing your bicycle and consider registering it (and your other possessions) with the Immobilise website.

Lib Dems in Control of B&NES

B&NES Lib Dem Group

The Lib Dem Group is now in minority control of Bath and North East Somerset Council. Work is now underway to reverse the closure of Culverhay School and to scrap the BRT.

David Dixon will undertake the role of Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, whilst Will Sandry will remain on the back benches, but will represent the Council on Avon Fire Authority.

The photograph shows the Lib Dem Group just before the meeting of Full Council last Thursday. We won’t be at the Guildhall all the time – we will be out and about listening, and responding to our community.

Today is Polling Day

Thursday 5th May is Polling Day

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm. Your votes only count when your ballot paper is in the ballot box. If you have a postal vote and have not yet completed and returned it, you can still take your ballot paper in person to the polling station today.
We have had a great reception over the past weeks on the doorstep and we are grateful to all those who have told us that they would like us to continue working as your local Councillors for the next four years.

Residents in Oldfield should have received our leaflet detailing our achievements and what we want to achieve if elected. A reminder of that document can be found here.

Will and David are both committed to listening to, and representing the residents and community of Oldfield Park, the Moorfields Estate and Englishcombe Park for the next four years.

Our top level priorities for the ward are:

1. Improve Housing and Sense of Community.

2. Work to improve Transport, Parking and Environment.

3. Maintain Moorland Road as the heart of the South of Bath.

4. Tackle Crime and Anti Social Behaviour.